
  • C++
  • Visual Studio
  • GitHub
  • ClickUp
  • Scrum

Shutdown is a game created at the Master in Advanced Programming for AAA videogames at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
The team consisted of 17 programmers and 5 artists, all working under the Scrum methodology. The game was brought to life in about seven months and runs with the Tesseract engine that was being developed at the same time.

As a part of the gameplay programmer team, I worked alongside game designers to get the features implemented as close as possible to what they had in mind. I also worked side by side in a team with one programmer and an artirst to develop the game's HUD.
Below you can find all features implemented by me.


Push Skill

Onimaru's push skill that sends an energy blast pushing away your enemies within a distance and a 30 degree Area of Effect (AoE) cone.


Head-up display (HUD)

Implemented all Health HUD system for player & boss.

  • Health switch animation when swapping characters
  • Health lost feedback
  • Health regeneration
  • Low health and hit impact warnings


Switch Skill

It changes the playable character from Fang to Onimaru and vice versa.


Scene life features

In order to bring life to the second level we had to implement some features. One of them was moving the robots from the factory's assembly line.


  • Button sounds: all User Interface (UI) scripts play a sound when the user hovers or clicks a button.