
  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • Visual Studio
  • GitHub
  • ClickUp
  • Scrum

Tesseract is an engine created at the Master in Advanced Programming for AAA videogames at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
The team consisted of 17 programmers working under the Scrum methodology. The engine was being developed at the same time as the Shutdown game.

Although I was part of the Gameplay and User Interface teams and spent all of my time developing features of said areas, I also collaborated in the engine with some features.


Slider Component

To tweak some game settings


  • Font as an engine resource: generates font resources files when a new font is added to the engine.
  • Event system: small functionality to give the engine modules the ability to register to any event that happens during the engine's execution.
  • Navigation Mesh query: query function that returns the height of the nearest Navigation Mesh poly given a position.